
We live side by side with a variety of urban wildlife such as raccoons, squirrels, foxes, skunks and bats.

The City only responds to urban wildlife calls if the animal has been injured. It does not respond to calls about urban wildlife that are running at large or who have entered a dwelling or place of business.

Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing Services do not enforce Ontario’s trapping regulations. Complaints and inquiries should be directed to the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Rodent Control

Throughout the city there is construction activity and with temperatures starting to drop rodents such as mice and rats are displaced and seek indoor shelter. There are many things that residents can do to help control rodents.

How do I control rodents?

Rodent proof buildings – seal outside openings where rodents can enter your home with the use of coarse steel wool and sheet metal around pipes and electrical conduits.
Eliminate locations where rodents seek shelter – clearing brush and trash from around homes and buildings reduces hiding places for rodents. All stored items should be kept 24 to 30 centimetres off the floor for easy cleaning and removing clutter can help manage pest populations.
Remove food and water – all water leaks should be repaired immediately and spills cleaned up. Food items should be stored in rodent-proof storage containers.
Control existing population – traps and rodenticides may be used to reduce or eliminate existing populations. Place deceased rodents in garbage bags (double bag to contain odour) for regularly scheduled pick up. Please follow garbage collection requirements.
Store garbage in rodent-proof containers with tight-fitting lids and secure composters to prevent entry. Place garbage and recycling at the curb the morning of collection. To avoid being missed, place waste at the curb no later than 7:00 a.m.

How can I protect myself?

Treat all rodents as infectious as they carry mites and fleas and spread diseases such as Salmonella and Hantavirus. Dead rodents, their urine and droppings should be handled with gloves and disposed with household garbage in tightly sealed bags. Any foodstuff contaminated by contact with rodents or their droppings should be discarded. Special care should be taken with mouse droppings and urine. A wet method of cleaning should be used, such as wet wiping or mopping with a household disinfectant. Wash your hands after handling traps, poisons, rodents and wearing gloves. A licensed pest control operator should be contacted for heavy infestations. Visit the Durham Region Health Department for information on rodent control, or call 905-666-6241.

What do I do with trapped live rodents?

Inquiries should be directed to the Ministry of Natural Resources. For general tips and information on what to do when you find wildlife, visit www.oshawa.ca/residents/wildlife.asp. If a pest control company is trapping rodents on behalf of residents, inquiries should be directed to the company.

How do I report rats roaming in my neighbourhood?

Residents are asked to contact Service Oshawa to report rats in their surrounding neighbourhood. If the source of the rats is known a Property Standards By-law complaint will be created. If the source of the rats is not known, the information will be used to attempt to determine the source and to analyze the extent of the problem in any particular neighbourhood. Service Oshawa can be reached by phone at 905-436-3311, by email at service@oshawa.ca or in person at City Hall, 50 Centre St. S. and is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and on Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Orphaned wildlife

The following organizations provide assistance to orphaned wildlife:

  • Soper Creek Wildlife Rescue
  • Toronto Wildlife Centre
  • Ontario Wildlife Rescue
  • Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
  • Government of Ontario, Wildlife and Nature

Rabies in wildlife

Information about rabies in wildlife and how it’s controlled

Cruelty to wildlife

Cruelty to wildlife is regulated under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, and the Criminal Code. Reports of cruelty to wildlife should be directed to the Ontario SPCA.

General wildlife tips

  • What to do when you find wildlife
  • Tips for preventing and managing conflicts with coyotes, wolves and foxes
  • Tips for preventing and managing conflicts with deer, elk and moose
  • Tips on what to do about wild rabbits
  • Tips on what to do about raccoons
  • Tips on what to do about squirrels
  • Tips on what to do about opossums
  • Tips on what to do when you find a baby bird

Wildlife rescue links

  • Soper Creek Wildlife Rescue
  • Ontario Wildlife Rescue
  • How to choose a humane wildlife control company

Source : https://www.oshawa.ca/residents/wildlife.asp

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